Wayne Huang

NSTC Research Scholar
Department of Physics
National Tsing Hua University

[email protected]

Dept. and Web

  1. Quantum optics (Experiment and theory)
  2. Condensed matter physics (Experiment)
  3. Photonics (Experiment)


Project Description

  1. Quantum cat-qubit gates in BEC (AMO, Experiment)
  2. Matter-wave metrology with levitated nanoparticles (AMO, Experiment)
  3. Cavity laser cooing with frequency comb (AMO, Theory)
  4. Decoherence and quantum-classical correspondence (AMO, Theory)
  5. Time-resolved LEED measurements of light-induced moiré superstructure (Condensed matter, Experiment)
  6. High-performace planar GaAs solar cell (Photonics, Experiment)


  1. Undergraduate or graduate students with good work ethics
  2. Underrepresented ethnics groups are especially welcomed
  3. fluency in English or Chinese
  4. interest in AMO physics
  5. experience with MATLAB