Hui-Yu Tsai

Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science
National Tsing Hua University

[email protected]

Dept. and Web

Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science

Project Description

  1. Development of Predictive Indicators for Boron Neutron Capture Theray in Malignant Brain Tumors;
  2. Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Breast Deformation in Mammographic Compression Using Finite Element Modeling;
  3. Radiation Safety and Occupational Exposure Evaluation for Portable X-ray Devices


Passionate about Medical Physics or related fields; Preferred Skills (not mandatory)

  1. Machine Learning and AI: Familiarity with medical imaging algorithms;
  2. Radiation and Simulation: Basic knowledge of radiation interaction and Monte Carlo methods;
  3. Programming: Experience in Python or MATLAB, with knowledge of data analysis libraries (e.g., NumPy, pandas) and ML frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow);
  4. Statistics and Data Analysis: Foundational skills in statistical methods and model evaluation.

Training will be provided for motivated learners.