Yi-Ping Huang

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
National Tsing Hua University

[email protected]

Dept. and Web

Department of physics


Project Description

We study emergent quantum phenomena in equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems through theoretical and numerical methods. Our focus includes frustrated magnets, topological order, spin liquids, correlated spin-orbit materials, dynamical quantum phase transitions, quantum many-body scars, frameworks for extracting entanglement information from experiments, as well as other quantum information perspectives on quantum dynamics and equilibrium matter.

Project 1: Quantum Many-Body Scars and Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Constrained Models

Students will learn numerical methods and theoretical approaches to explore the physics behind quantum many-body scars and dynamical quantum phase transitions.

Project 2: Realistic Spin-Orbit Coupled Hubbard Model on the Kagome Lattice

Students will develop and analyze the spin-orbit coupled Hubbard model on the Kagome lattice, gaining experience in both theoretical and numerical modeling.

Project 3: Tensor Networks for Classical Dynamical Systems

Students will bridge quantum-inspired algorithms with classical non-equilibrium dynamical systems, studying both theoretical and numerical aspects.


We’re looking for motivated students eager to explore emergent quantum phenomena. Our projects require a solid background in quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and a curious, open-minded approach to new physics. If you’re interested in joining us, please reach out! 🙂