Jian-geng Chiou

Jian-geng Chiou

How cells decide their growth modes using biophysical principles derived from Reaction-Diffusion systems. Numerical simulations, Analytical solutions, and microscopic image analysis of live cells.

Miranda Cheng

Miranda Cheng

Mathematical physics, Machine Learning, and High Energy Theory

Yi-Kuan Chiang

Yi-Kuan Chiang

Full-sky optical intensity map making from the TESS satellite. Missing baryons in cosmic filaments via the Sunyaev-Sel'dovich effect.

Yen-Ting Lin

Yen-Ting Lin

Machine learning-assisted search for observational signatures of halo assembly bias. Search for distant galaxy clusters using data from Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph Survey or Rubin's Legacy Survey of Space and Time

Sheng-Yuan Liu

Sheng-Yuan Liu

Star Formation, Astrochemistry

Ming-Shien Chang

Ming-Shien Chang

Quantum Science

Keng-hui Lin

Keng-hui Lin

Mechanobiology of primary zebrafish cells