Metasurfaces for light manipulation and applications
Sheng-Kwang Hwang
Study nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers induced by different perturbation schemes for novel technological applications in optical communication, microwave photonics, random number generation, etc.
Chao-Yu (Peter) Chen
Perovskite photonics for solar cells, X-ray detector and nuromorphic devices
Yueh-Nan Chen
Quantum Advantages with light and atoms
Jan-Chi Yang
Characterization and applications of complex oxidebased nanoarchitectures
Ching-Hao Chang
Theoretical studies of nontrivial quantum transport and magnetotransport in nanoarchitectures, such as the nanoscroll or complex heterostructures
Pei-Ju Chiang
Machine vision, 3D reconstruction
Chia-Hung (Robert) Hung
Development of smart metal 3D printing part using laser-foil-printing processes
Chia-Ching (Josh) Wu
Recontruct Tissue Regeneration Microenvironment and Interaction with Stem Cells
Szu-Hsueh Lai
Advanced Mass Spectrometry developments and applications