Machine/Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Analysis. Tomographic Image Reconstructions. Biomedical Signal And Image Processing.
Yu-Hsin Chen
Chieh-Cheng Huang
Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials
Han-Yi Chen
Che-Ning Yeh
Designing materials for battery electrodes and solid-state electrolytes. Understanding electrochemical reaction mechanism.
Wei-Chang Yeh
Intelligent and Reliable Design
Ho-Hsiu Chou
Functional Polymer, polymer synthesis, conjugated polymer, green energy, electronic skin
Hui-Yu Tsai
Development of Predictive Indicators for Boron Neutron Capture Theray in Malignant Brain Tumors; Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Breast Deformation in Mammographic Compression Using Finite Element Modeling; Radiation Safety and Occupational Exposure Evaluation for Portable X-ray Devices
Li-An Chu
Multiscale Microscopy Imaging and image analysis- We build custimized laser scanning lightsheet microscoopy for sturctural and functional imaging from CM to nanometer resolution. We aim to use such technolgoy to understand neurosicence and drug delivery system.
Hsiao-Chun (Amy) Lin
Optoacoustic imaging for biomedical applications - developing real-time, volumetric imaging systems for non-invasive visualization of molecular contrast in deep scattering biological tissue. Develope data processing algorithms to extract physiological parameters to enable lable-free diagnosis. Optoacoustic tomography could play an important role in future clinical medical care, including cardiovascular medicine and physiotherapy rehabilitation.