Spectral CT material decomposition. Deep learning-enhanced PET image reconstruction.
Wayne Huang
Quantum cat-qubit gates in BEC (AMO, Experiment). Matter-wave metrology with levitated nanoparticles (AMO, Experiment). Cavity laser cooing with frequency comb (AMO, Theory). Decoherence and quantum-classical correspondence (AMO, Theory). Time-resolved LEED measurements of light-induced moiré superstructure (Condensed matter, Experiment). High-performace planar GaAs solar cell (Photonics, Experiment).
Shih-Kuang Tung
Quantum gas mixtures of lithium and cesium, and trapped calcium ions. By creating ultracold mixtures of lithium and cesium atoms, we investigate exotic states of matter and interactions that emerge only near absolute zero, unveiling new insights into few- and many-body quantum physics. Meanwhile, we use trapped ions as a versatile platform for simulating quantum dynamics and probing entangled states.
Yi-Ping Huang
Quantum Many-Body Scars and Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Constrained Models. Realistic Spin-Orbit Coupled Hubbard Model on the Kagome Lattice. Tensor Networks for Classical Dynamical Systems.
Chung-Yu Mou
Theoretical analysis of O(4) symmetry for the quantum critical point in high Tc cuprate
Tzay-Ming Hong
How does the distribution of territory vary with the size, hardness, and size of randomly placed particles?
Yi-wei Liu
Out of equilibrium dynamics in BEC. Interaction of hetronuclear Rydberg atom.
Yao-Wei Huang
Intelligent multifunctional metasurfaces for optical combiner and depth perception
Ta-Jen Yen
Quantum Science
Ray-Kuang Lee
Machine-learning enhanced quantum state tomography, Optical non-Gaussian state generation and characterization, Quantum Photonic Chips, and Frequency-Dependent Squeezing for the advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors.