Metasurfaces for light manipulation and applications
Sheng-Kwang Hwang
Study nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers induced by different perturbation schemes for novel technological applications in optical communication, microwave photonics, random number generation, etc.
Chao-Yu (Peter) Chen
Perovskite photonics for solar cells, X-ray detector and nuromorphic devices
Yueh-Nan Chen
Quantum Advantages with light and atoms
Wen-Te Liao
Theoretical study of gravitational effects in x-ray quantum optics using nuclear resonances
Ming-Shien Chang
Quantum Science
Jan-Chi Yang
Characterization and applications of complex oxidebased nanoarchitectures
Ite Yu
Quantum Science
Hsi-Sheng Goan
Quantum Computation and Information, Theory + Experiment
Guin-Dar Lin
Quantum computing and simulation with trapped ions, neutral atoms, and superconducting qubits