Construct a large scale structure galaxy sample from the DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey data. Cross-correlation of stellar mass-selected galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey with the thermal Sunyaev-Sel'dovich (tSZ) effect.
Austin Joyce
Dark energy, dark matter, and the evolution of the early universe
Andrew Higginbotham
Probing materials with with quantum circuits
Ken Badder
Therapeutic ultrasound
Chien-Min Kao
Positron Emission Tomography and molecular imaging instrumentation, image reconstruction
Po-Chun Hsu
Electrochemical epitaxy growth of aluminum
Alex High
2D Semiconductors
Aashish Clerk
Theoretical Quantum Information
Cheng Chin
Project 1: Quantum entanglement of photons and atoms; Project 2: Exploration of thermal levitation phenomena