Quantum simulation with ultracold molecules and atoms
Young-Kee Kim
High energy physics
Thomas Witten
Soft condensed matter
Steven Sibener
Surface chemistry
Yamuna Krishnan
Our lab makes sensors for imaging in live cells. So they will learn quantitative chemical imaging of live cells in our lab.
Margaret Gadel
Mechanobiology of Multicellular Tissues. Machine Learning Adherent Cell Mechanobiology
LianTao Wang
Dark matter, Higgs physics, gravitational waves, inflation
Kathryn Levin
Quantum many-body physics
Hsiao-Wen Chen
Characterizing the multiphase CGM using quasar absorption spectroscopy. Mapping the baryon cycle in emission across cosmic time.
Henry Frisch
Instrumentation, with the goal of large-area (many square meters) high-spatial resolution measurements of particles, photons and charged particles, in 3 spatial dimensions.